Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Ludwigsburg Residential Palace
One of the largest Baroque palaces in Germany
Queen Charlotte Mathilde in a painting by Philipp Friedrich Hetsch, circa 1800

A royal highness without airsCharlotte Mathildevon Württemberg

The location where Queen Charlotte Mathilde (1766–1828) was to reside after the death of her husband, King Friedrich I von Württemberg, was contractually specified. However, because she felt at home at Ludwigsburg, she was allowed to continue living there during the summer months.

Painting of Queen Charlotte Mathilde with ruff and headscarf by Johann Baptist Seele, circa 1800

Charlotte Mathilde shortly after her wedding.

What made her the queen of hearts?

The 1797 wedding between Württemberg's heir, Friedrich, and Princess Charlotte Mathilde, a daughter of the English King George III, was celebrated lavishly in London. Despite Friedrich's difficult personality, and despite remaining childless after a miscarriage, the marriage endured. Charlotte Mathilde had a good relationship with her step-children, and was sometimes able to mediate disputes within the royal family thanks to her kind nature. But it was caring for the poor that was closest to her heart.

To what did the queen devote her time?

The domestic Charlotte Mathilde enjoyed needlework whenever her duties as queen afforded her free time. Embroidered furniture covers hand-stitched by the queen herself adorn many rooms at Ludwigsburg Residential Palace and Favorite Palace. She also painted porcelain, some of which can still be found at Ludwigsburg.

Copper engraving of Queen Charlotte Mathilde von Rist based on a painting by Franz Seraph Stirnbrand

Queen Charlotte Mathilde as a widow.

Why did she live at Ludwigsburg as a widow?

In the summer months, Queen Charlotte Mathilde lived at Ludwigsburg Residential Palace, contrary to the provisions of her marriage contract. She felt at home at Ludwigsburg, and King Wilhelm I granted her permission to continue using her apartment in the east wing of the new central building. In 1816, she had the rooms redecorated in the late Classical style. She imbued her rooms with personal touches: many keepsakes from her time together with King Friedrich I.

Queen Charlotte Mathilde's library or reading room in the new central building

The queen's library.

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